
Basic usage

To use passwordmetrics you import it and run the configure method.

>>> import passwordmetrics
>>> passwordmetrics.configure()

You can then get metrics for passwords:

>>> passwordmetrics.metrics('correcthorseb!wdbatterystaplerWd6t')
{'unused_groups': set(['punctuation', 'non-printable', 'other', 'whitespace']),
 'word_entropy': 53.48690135737497,
 'entropy': 89.21207921969622,
 'words': set(['battery', 'i', 'horse', 'stapler', 'correct']),
 'unknown_chars': set([]),
 'used_groups': set(['digits', 'uppercase', 'lowercase']),
 'length': 34,
 'character_entropy': 35.72517786232125}

Advanced usage

The configure method makes it possibly to configure passwordmetrics for your usecase. This is particularily useful if you want to have language-specific wordlists or character groups:

>>> import passwordmetrics
>>> groups = {'lowercase': set(u'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvxyzåäö'),
              'uppercase': set(u'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVXYZÅÄÖ'),
              'digits': set(string.digits),
              'punctuation': set(string.punctuation),
              'whitespace': set(string.whitespace),
>>> with open('ordlista_sv.txt', 'rt', encoding='latin-1') as wordlist:
...     for line in wordlist.readlines():
...         word, entropy = line.strip().split(' ')
...         words[word] = float(entropy)
>>> substitutions = {'0': 'o', '1': 'i', '2': 'z', '3': 'e', '4': 'a',
                     '5': 's', '6': 'b', '7': 't', '8': 'b', '9': 'g',
                     '!': 'i', '#': 3, '$': 's', '&': 'g', '@': 'a',
                     '[': 'c', '(': 'c', '+': 't', '{': 'ä', '|': ö,
                     '}': 'å', '[': 'Ä', '\': 'Ö', ']': 'Å'}
>>> passwordmetrics.configure(grops=groups, words=words, substitutions=substitutions)
>>> passwordmetrics.metrics('korrekthästbatter1häftapparat')
{'unused_groups': set(['punctuation', 'whitespace']),
 'word_entropy': 62.24279530886037,
 'entropy': 85.04455418142474,
 'words': set(['korrekt', 'häst', 'batteri', 'häftapparat']),
 'unknown_chars': set([]),
 'used_groups': set(['uppercase', 'lowercase']),
 'length': 31,
 'character_entropy': 22.80175887256437}


groups are character groups, such as digits, lowercase and uppercase. You pass in sets of characters, and passwordmetrics will tell you which ones were used. This is so that you, if desired, can disallow certain character groups. You can also, of course, force certain character groups, but that is a bad idea (more on that elsewhere).


words is a mapping of words to word frequency values. It is used to find words in the password and base a calculation of the entropy based on that. For example, a password containing common words should have a lower entropy than a password containing uncommon words, as it is easier to guess.


substitutions are character mappings for “leet” character substitutions. For example, the words “alive” can be written “al1v3” in a way to make it harder to guess. A mapping of substitutions is used to try and find words. This is because a word with substitutions is easier to guess than a random character string, although it is harder to guess than the same word without substitutions.

The metrics

The returned metrics are:

  • entropy: A relative measure of how hard a password is to guess.
  • length: The total length of the password.
  • words: The words found in the password.
  • word_entropy: The entropy of the words.
  • character_entropy: The entropy of any characters not found in any words.
  • used_groups: The character groups used.
  • unused_groups: Any character groups that were not used.
  • unknown_chars: Characters in the password that were not found in any groups.

Most of the metrics returned are returned only for completeness, not because they are very useful.

length is useful if you have a maximum password length your system can handle and used_groups and unknown_chars is useful to make sure there are no characters your system can’t handle.

The most important metric is the “entropy”. The higher the harder it is to guess the passwords, and the harder it will be to forcibly crack the password. Giving the user feedback on how safe/unsafe the password is based on this is a good way to ensure that you have safe passwords.